eLearning Solutions

Whether it is creating from scratch or using exsiting storyboards, our approach is to create content that has the look and feel of something build in house.  The ADDIE process is used to build effective eLearning solutions.

Micro Learning Experience

Micro Learning is perfect for quick consumption and designed to elicit a certain outcome.  Whether that is to prepare a learner for a full-scale training session, to boost learning at a given moment, or assist an employee’s performance, Micro Learning might be the most effection option for learning.

Custom Video Production and Editing

Custom learning videos are a great tool to boost engagement.  We have the ability to create custom learning videos for your business starting with script writing, to the production of content and editing.  

Voice Over Treatment

Our in-house voice talend has been cultivated and curated to include amazing professionals that are ready to record narration for your eLearning course, or voice overs for your custom learning videos.